Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Hello all,

It's been so long since I posted anything here. I hope all is well with you. I am alive, I am doing very well! I took a very long unexpected break to work on myself. My relationship with God was rocky so I wanted to focus on it for myself first before posting anything here. I want the articles I post here to be true and straight from the heart. For while I was just extremely unmotivated so I decided to take a break.
My relationship with God is still not where I want it to be but HEY God loves us even more at our darkest right?! The fact that He continues to pursue me every time I try to pull myself away is just so amazing. His love for me is just so so real! I am still working on myself. I am praying that I will be in a good place soon so that I can start sharing my heart with you guys. :)

I wish you all the best for December 2018. We made it to the last month of the year, whoop whoop!
I pray that God will continue to guide, bless and provide for all of us. I pray that you receive all the blessings that God has for you before the end of the year. Talk soon!


Saturday, January 6, 2018


Wow I cannot believe that I haven't shared anything with guys since April 2017!  What a shame?  Please forgive me y'all. I haven't forgotten about you. I was just so into to work last year that I barely had time for myself and God. I put way too much energy into work that I couldn't make time for anything else that's important to me. Pretty sad right?

2018  I am shifting my focus all the wayyyyy  up to the Lord Almighty! And I am going to make sure that nothing comes in between my God and I, because gurrrrl let me tell you! You can have EVERYTHING in this world but if you don't have God, you have NOTHING! I am telling you this because I experienced this in 2017. Even though I had God in my heart all the time and I listened to Christian songs every now and then and watched sermons on YouTube and went to church once every month in 2017, the fact that I didn't  make God and my relationship with Him a priority made me feel empty inside. It made me feel lost even though on the physical I had no reason to feel empty and lost.

 Imagine trying to see the Empire State Building(ESB) in New York with binoculars.  There are so many other  buildings around it that you could miss it even though it is currently the tallest building in the NY. Just because you have it in your head to see ESB if you do not intentionally focus your binoculars on ESB you will see everything else but ESB. You have been given the resources to see it but you will be lost if you do not focus on the right thing. Dictionary.com defines focus as a central point of attraction, attention or activity. Webster dictionary defines focus as a directed attention. Intentionally directing your attention to something that interests you. So if you love God and want Him to show up in your life then you have to intentionally shift your focus on Him!

2018 I want to challenge you to be intentional about your walk with God. Intentionally set time apart to speak to God, to pray to God, to read God's word... Intentionally set time apart to spend time with God. Don't wait until you are in trouble. Don't wait till you desperately need something. If you focus on God you will clearly see His plans for you and where He is trying to take you.

On that note I want to wish you all a happy New Year!πŸŽ‰ I pray that you see God's hands and hear His voice His in this season. Love you all πŸ˜—


Saturday, April 8, 2017


My favorite time of the year is finally here! The cold is gone and I am so ready for some sun, pretty flowers and just good weather in general! Spring/Summer trends this year are to die for! Everything is just bold bold bold and I am all here for it! They are statement pieces you cannot go wrong with and I am extremely excited to share some of my favorites with you guys. Enjoy!

This has 70's vibe written all over it. This is for the over the top girls. They come in all shapes, sizes and textures. They look good on dresses and blouses paired with jeans, pencil skirts.

2. MAKE A STATEMENT WITH PATCHES ON JEANSTip: The patched jeans in stores are expensive for no reason. Go to a local craft store and grab patches that you can iron on your jeans. They are super inexpensive and will help you great a unique one that suites your taste. For over-sized jean jacket, visit the men's section at your local thrift. Thank me later :)

Wear alone with high gladiator sandals (and shorts of course lol), pair with ripped super skinny jeans, wear like a light "jacket" over a dress... you can basically do whatever you want with this little thing and that is why I love it. It is that one simple piece in your closet that can create many outfits. It makes life so much easier for the lazy days.

Another oldie but goodie. I love how designers are playing with this trend. They put them everywhere now...the chest, the sleeves, neck line and hems of blouses. Pretty cool.

Favorite trend so far! This is for my girly girls. This trend is fun, flirty, bold, sophisticated, everything!

Another game changer this spring!

What is spring without pretty colors? Challenge yourself this year and go for colors you wouldn't normally go for. Yellows and pinks are hot this season, give them a try.

Need I say more? Just look at the images below.

Have fun trying some of these trends out in the beautiful weather :)

Disclaimer: I am no fashion expert, I am just a regular girl who loves fashion. None of these images are mine, I found everything on Pinterest 😊

Sunday, February 12, 2017


I have been single for so long! When am I going meet Mr Right?
Does God not see how patient and obedient I have been throughout this journey?
All my friends are getting engaged/married/starting family...what is taking God so long?
God is not working fast enough for me; I gotta step in and do something!

Yes, I get it! Singleness sucks sometimes. It can be plain difficult! I get it and I feel you! But would you rather rush into something that doesn't have God's blessings? I am sure you worked so hard to get to where you are with God today. Do you think all that work/wait/dying to self/patience/obedience are worth a relationship that doesn't have God's blessings?
So what you've waited 3/5/10 years? So what nobody notices you? I understand that it is very frustrating but there's a reason for it. And don't ever think that you're not getting attention because you're not attractive or good enough. You are beautiful, you are God's very own PRIZED possession(1 Cor. 6:20); that's why He has hidden you for the right person. Yes, God has hidden you in His heart. Hidden you away from toxic people, toxic relationships and unnecessary drama. He is preparing somebody special for you.I know you're tired of hearing this but it is true! You're unique, you're special, you're God's very own. He doesn't want "just anyone" approaching you. God is a jealous God. He wants us all to Himself! That's why He doesn't want you to be approached by people who will pull you away from Him! The man that God has in mind for you will lead you towards God and not away.

So it is fine if you are not getting the same attention that some of these girls are getting. Do not throw yourself in the world and do things that does not bring glory to God. Do not go back to the same place that God saved you from just because you're tired of being single. Do not let loneliness cause you to knock on doors that God closed for your good! Do not bring unnecessary attention to yourself just because you have been single for too long. Do not dress/act worldly, go to clubs/bars expecting to find a godly man! And I am not saying that church guys are good either(whole other topic πŸ˜…). Instead let that man find you through God!!!! Let God write your love story. Stop trying to interfere, sit down lol!

There is a reward in waiting. Our society/generation is so against waiting, purity and all that good stuff but do not discouraged or distracted(Romans 12:2, Leviticus 20:7). God has a plan for you, He has a man in mind for you. When the time comes, you will see. But for right now continue to hide in God heart. Work on you! Focus on God. Meditate on His word everyday. Serve Him. Ask Him to teach and guide you.

Highly recommend y'all to read 1 Corinthians 6 and 7πŸ’ͺ.

Love you always!

Thursday, December 29, 2016


As the new year approaches, we find ourselves making  long lists of resolutions and praying to God for so many things; better jobs, promotions, elevations, good grades, boothangs, money, etc. Yeah, I get that you are praying so hard for all of these things but have you prepared yourself for the things that you are asking for? Are you ready for the things you are praying for?
A student cannot just speak 'A' into existence. He/she has to put in work, use the tools the professor has given him or her to prepare for that 'A'. No preparation, no good grades.
Let's be real. Don't ask God to move mountains in your life if you are not willing to do your part. What are you bringing to the table? You want God to move mountains in 2017 but you don't have faith in him, you dont trust His time or His plans for your lifeπŸ˜•. You are praying for a promotion at work but you are not doing what you need to do! You go to work late, you are on your phone all the time, you are mean to everyone, you do not your job well but you want a promotion? πŸ˜• You are praying to God for a peaceful life but you are still holding on an unnecessary grudge from years ago. What do you expect God to work with? You are asking God use you, to reveal Himself to you, to speak to you meanwhile your eyes, ears, lips, heart are blocked! You have filled yourself with trap music, garbage TV/social media, etc. How do you expect God to use you? What are you bringing to the table? 
You cannot pray to God for a harvest when you haven't sowed any seed. Yes, God will send the harvest rain, it will come, hit the bare ground and go away. God did what He had to do but because you didn't do your part, you missed out on the harvest!
Think about all of your resolutions and all the prayers you are sending up to the Lord. Now make a list of everything you are bringing to the table. Not enough? Well you have work to do! You have seeds to sow! You want a promotion at work? Make sure you do everything you are supposed to do; go above and beyond. You want to have a great semester next year? Make an effort to spend more time with your books. Make a timetable for yourself and stick to it! Go to classes, make use of all the resources around you. You want a job? Dont just sit on your behind and expect employers to knock on your door. Get up and go find you a job.You want a godly man or woman? Become the godly man or woman!!! You want a peaceful life? Let go of unnecessary grudges and ask God to soften your heart.  You want God to use you? You want to hear God's voice? Remove yourself from surroundings that are filled with garbage music, language, behaviors, etc and fill your eyes, ears, mouth, heart, mind, soul, body with the word of God! Bring more than ENOUGH to the table so that God sees that you really want it!! Show God that you are ready for His blessings by doing your part! The most awesome part in working together with God is when He showers you with unexpected blessings!
God has so MUCH in store for us. So much!!! I know that 2017 will be a great year. Why? Because we serve a supernatural God! My prayer for all of us next year is that our relationship with God become better and our faith in Him become stronger. I love you all. Thank you so much for all the support. God bless you!!! Wishing you and your families a happy and prosperous New Year!πŸ’—


Thursday, November 3, 2016


When bad things happen to us, it is natural for us to think, oh God why me? Why does this keep happening to me? Why does nothing go my way? why can’t I ever succeed in anything? But before I get deep into this post, I want you to stop throwing yourself a pity party every time something bad happens. I want to encourage you to change your attitude and mind set towards bad situations. Instead of thinking, oh why me, start thanking God for the bad breaks.

You must be thinking "what is wrong with you? Do you know what I have been through? How do you expect me to be thankful for my dry seasons when you don't know what I am going through? Get out of here!" Please don’t throw me out yet, hear me out my love.

When I graduated from college last May, God blessed me with a good paying job 5 days right after graduation. It came out of nowhere; I was not expecting it at all! When I applied for my current job, I did not expect to receive a call from HR, go through 5 different interviews and be offered the job in the same week. I thought the hospital facility I work for now was so out my league but God had different plans. He knew that I was more than capable so he took away the mediocre jobs I was fighting to keep and He blessed me with this one. There are no words that can explain how happy and grateful I was for getting this job. I couldn't sleep for days, the thought of it brought tears to my eyes. I still pinch myself multiple times every now and then just to make sure that I am dreaming.
It felt so weird in a good way, walking into the office, seeing my cute little cubicle, my desk, my chair, my phone...it was so surreal. Everything was super good until I started the job for real. It was like a hit in the stomach!
In the beginning, nothing seemed to work out! It was just plain hard! Bricks were being thrown at me from every corner. At some point the bricks started to pile up right before my eyes and i couldn't do anything to stop or break through it. I felt stuck, lonely, completely helpless, tired and just sad. I wanted to give up so bad!!! 
Believe it or not, everything does happen for a reason… movenourishbelieve.com: Waking up in the morning for this job was the most difficult! I would wake up with negative thoughts. I would think to myself, "What bad thing will happen to me today?" I couldn't keep my head high for months. I lost so much confidence in myself. At one point, I thought I really couldn't do it! I thought the job was too big for me. I wanted to quit. I wanted to throw in the towel because I had honestly had enough!

While I was going through this unbearable season in my life, I had no idea what God was doing behind the scenes. God is so good and His plans for our lives are forever perfect. God knew ahead of time that I would encounter this bad break, He knew ahead of time that it would challenge me, He knew ahead of time that I would cry and cry and expect people to be on my side. He knew all this but He let it happen anyway because He wanted to use it for my own good. He wanted to use this season mold and prepare me for the better things He has in store for me in the future.

If anyone ever told me that after 3 gruesome months, I would really love my job, I would probably slap that person at the back of their head lol. I am in such a good place now. The past month and change has been extraordinary. Everything I went through the first three months prepared me mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I needed this setback to stretch me out of my comfort zone. It forced me to work extra hard, it forced me to figure things out myself and it helped me make connections. 

I walk into work now with the biggest smile on my face. I walk with my head so high and my confidence is through the roof! I have come to a place where I finally understand that I do not need anyone to compliment my hard work. I do not need anyone to applaud me for my achievements before I feel good about myself. My dry season taught me to work super hard and let my hard work speak loud and clear for itself!!!

The bad breaks are not meant to harm you. The bible says in 1 Corinthian 10:13 that the Lord will never let us go through anything that is too difficult for us. This season is not meant to completely break you. It is meant to stretch you out of your comfort zone. It is meant to prepare you for your destiny! Remember your bad break = the stepping stone to your destiny. Do not be discouraged because things are not working out. God is on your side and He is working so so hard behind the scenes. So do not quit! Fight fight fight fight!Trust God! Trust the Lord with every little thing in you. This is the one and only secret to a happy and successful life. Pray every day. Meditate on his word and apply it to your life. When good things happen, THANK GOD and when bad things happen THANK GOD EVEN MORE. Babe all of this too shall pass. You got this! πŸ’ͺ

I am rooting for you so hard! You can do it! You can make it to the finish line. You are meant to be where you are. It is part of God's perfect plan for you. Limp in pain, cry, sweat it out, scream, do whatever but you better not quit. Do not give up because it is taking too long. Do not quit because you are tired. Do not quit because you are getting what you want! Be patient and wait on the Lord. He is ON YOUR SIDE and He is going to get you to where you need to be. Just be patient and trust Him.

I love you all


Sunday, August 21, 2016

DON'T BE ANXIOUS, PRAY INSTEAD ~ (Philippians 4:6-7)

Note to Self

God placed you wherever you are today because that is where He wants you.
Some people might think that you do not deserve your current position.
They will go above and beyond to get rid of you.
They will lie, spread rumors about you.
They will do everything to break you.
They will try and get in your head.
They will make you lose your confidence.
They will try and dim your light.
God is alive and the devil is a liar.
You are where you are because it is part of God's perfect plan for your life.
People will do everything to bring you down.
But they are not God.
When God opens a door, no man can close it.
Do not give up.
Do not be afraid.
Do not let them get into your head.
You're awesome, you're capable, you're good enough.
With God on your side, there is nothing that you cannot conquer.
When fear crawls up in your spirit, pray to God.
Meditate on His word.
Ask him to fight your battles for you.
God has not given up on you.
He is with you everyday
He will give you everything you need to help you succeed.
Keep your eyes on Him and trust Him always.
You have worked too hard to give up now
Keep your eyes on the prize.

Love you always,

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


You see the little girl in the picture above with the tiny teddy bear? That was me few weeks before I graduated. I was so afraid that I wasn't going to get a job after graduation that, I began to settle for anything that came my way. I didn't want to stay home for months before getting a job. I wanted to keep myself busy. The thought of me not having a job RIGHT after graduating scared me! I didn't want people asking questions! I didn't want pressure and stress from anybody. And so I settled for anything. I was so desperate!!! I applied for so many jobs, I called people and at one point I actually accepted an offer to a summer internship that didn't pay! All in the name of keeping myself busy!
Everything failed. Every step I took just went downhill. I got rejected for all the jobs that I applied for. One of my supervisors even went above and beyond to get me the phone number of someone who is high up in the industry and that person never picked up my phone calls or even bothered to call me back. It broke my heart. I had all these plans and none of them were working out. Another funny thing is that, the person who offered me the summer internship also stopped replying to my emails. Pretty interesting right? I mean if I wasn't a good candidate then they wouldn't have offered me the job  in the first place and if I wasn't a good person then my supervisor wouldn't have wasted her time in getting me that person's phone number. So why then were things not working out?
 I didn't know that God was working behind the scenes preparing something even more greater for me! My anxiety led me to apply for more jobs. I didn't give up! Being a first generation college graduate, I couldn't give up.  I wanted to impress my parents; I wanted to make my parents proud. So I kept pushing! I had all my trust in God and I knew deep down in my heart that He was going to make a way. And boyyyy DID HE COME THROUGH!!!
While I was crying over the rejections, summer internship and the person who refused to pick up my calls, God was preparing something even better for me.The Bible didnt lie when it said that God's plans are perfect for us and He never fails to keep His promises to His children. God didn't fail me. He came through with the best. The Lord came through with a job that offers double and more of everything I had ever wanted. He came through with a job that offers SO MUCH MORE than the jobs I got rejected for! God is good. God is good. Our God is good!!!
I want this testimony to be an inspiration to anyone whose plans are not working out like they wanted them to! God has something better coming so trust in His timing. My God never fails and His plans are always so perfect!
Do not be discouraged by the rejections and the set backs. Keep pushing and also keep in mind that rejections aren't always a bad thing!
                 Rejection is a redirection.
                 Rejection is God's protection.
                 Rejection is a blessing.
God loves you enough to close unnecessary doors. Doors that will distract you and prevent you from seeing and experiencing God's greatness. Don't give up. I wish you all the best.


Wednesday, May 18, 2016


When I told my dad that I wanted to stay in school for an extra year, he did not yell at me, he did not complain about spending more money, he didn't ask me any questions at all. Instead, he told me to go ahead with it! I honestly wasn't expecting for it to be an easy conversation because some of you know how African parents can be - strict! When I heard my father say "just do it I support any decision you make, I trust you, I know that you are smart, you know what is best for you" it put me at ease, and I used that as my motivation to complete my final year in college.
So now after 5 amazing years of hard work, sleepless nights and all the money I spent on coffee, I am glad to announce that I too, have SUCCESSFULLY completed my undergraduate career at one of the best colleges in America! These past few days have been the most amazing! The love and support that I have been receiving from my family and friends have been mind blowing! I am so glad that I got to share these moments with my parents. It makes me so happy to see them happy and I cannot wait to work harder in the future to make them even more proud.
So on that note, I would also like to use this platform to congratulate everyone who has or will be graduating soon. We made it! We are here today because of God's unfailing love, and because of the prayers and support from our families and friends. We have worked hard. I am so proud of you! I am so happy for you! Good job!
Now onto the million dollar question. What next?
* I Choose To Believe This !!  * I Will Not Lie ..  * It Is Hard To See ..  * On Those Dark Time's ..: If I could save a dollar for every time a person has asked me about what I am planning to do after college, I would probably have enough money to pay off my student loans ha-ha. It can be such a nerve racking question sometimes. Some people may know exactly what they want to do after college and others may not. Everyone has a picture or an idea of how they want for their lives. However the thought of transitioning can be scary sometimes, especially  for people who are trying get jobs or go back to school. Whatever your plans may be, I want to use this moment to remind you that, God did not bring you this far to just leave you hanging! He did not bring you this far to leave you to figure everything out by yourself. The bible says in Deuteronomy 31:8 that we shouldn't be afraid or be discouraged because God himself, will go ahead of us, He will lead you into all the good things He has planned for you. He will never fail us nor abandon us. God's plans for you are perfect, perfect!! There is nothing on this earth that compares to the amazing plans that God has for you. So trust Him, in everything you do, every step you take, let Him lead you!
Do not compare your progress with others. Everyone is on a different journey. Some people will be offered jobs right after college and some people will have to try and try. Some people will get into med school, law school, nursing school etc on their first try and some people will have to try and try. No matter  where you stand in this situation, I want to encourage you to keep pushing! Do not give up! Life is like a mountain. Some people will climb it so easily, so effortlessly and some people will struggle. No matter how hard it gets, do not give up! One thing I have learned throughout my walk with God is that, a NO is just God's way of saying that " wait my daughter, I have something way better for you". I want you to keep this in mind as you move forward!
Some people will try to make feel like you're not enough, they will compare you to other graduates who have jobs or are in med/law school etc. Do not let them get to you! Instead let's trust God, apply for the job you want, if you fail, you try again. Apply for the school you want to get into, if you fail you try again!
I wish you all the best of luck from the bottom of my heart! YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL! EVERYTHING WILL WORK OUT! Do not stress out, we did enough of that in college lol. Use this time to relax, catch up on sleep and have fun!
Love you all as always

Sunday, March 20, 2016


My favorite time of the year is sloooowly approaching. It is so beautiful outside as I type this post. Yes, legs are out lol. I really cannot wait for the winter to go away completely, so tired of the coats, scarves and boots. They are cute, but they've gotta go!
I am actually feeling color and floral this year with some off the shoulder and stripes business here and there. I wore waaaay too much neutrals this winter, I cannot wait to explore with color and beautiful patterns. These are some of the few trends that I am know that I am going to love this upcoming spring. Keep in mind that I am no fashion expert, these are my suggestions/opinions. Alrighty then, let's get started!!!

Let me be honest with you guys. When I first saw these, I was like "um why is the length so weird though?" But as time went on and I kept seeing it, I started to like it. I think it is such a unique piece. So neat and classy too. Tip for anyone graduating in this May, this is a great option. I really like the fact that it is different because most likely, you will see a lot of people going for dresses or pants. Plus you wont be too hot and everyone will see your shoes haha.
Look 1: www.shirleyswardrobe.com
Look 2: www.fashionsy.com

I think the Boho looking type off the shoulder tops are so cute for the spring and in the summer. It is such a fun piece! I love how it looks with suede skirts(the cropped ones esp.) I like that you dont have to put a lot of effort into styling this as it look great on itself.
Look 1: www.katiesbliss.com
Look 2: www.jessleaboutique.com
Girly girls unite!!! This is a favorite of mine. Now do not get me wrong, floral is nothing new. It comes and goes. I didn't see much of it last year, however it is here to stay this spring/summer. I have seen something floral in every shop I have walked into or visited online. Floral brings femininity out of everything and I love it!
Look 1: www.nastygal.com
Look 2: www.anntaylor.com
Look 3: www.refinery29.com
Spring or Summer without some fringe is just not the same! I love the hobo-chicness that it delivers. It is like denim, it never goes away. I like that you can do whatever you want with it. It is a good piece for the minimalist and the over the top person.
Look 1: www.pursuitofshoes,com
Look 2: www.hercampus.com
Look 3: www.songofstyle.com

Strips have made it on every trend fashion post on this blog. I love  that it changes every year. Last year was mainly horizontal strips. I am really feeling vertical strips this year. The pattern is so simple but very beautiful.
Look 1: www.lolobu.com
Look 2: www.refinery29.com
Look 3: www.shopstyle.com