Thursday, December 29, 2016


As the new year approaches, we find ourselves making  long lists of resolutions and praying to God for so many things; better jobs, promotions, elevations, good grades, boothangs, money, etc. Yeah, I get that you are praying so hard for all of these things but have you prepared yourself for the things that you are asking for? Are you ready for the things you are praying for?
A student cannot just speak 'A' into existence. He/she has to put in work, use the tools the professor has given him or her to prepare for that 'A'. No preparation, no good grades.
Let's be real. Don't ask God to move mountains in your life if you are not willing to do your part. What are you bringing to the table? You want God to move mountains in 2017 but you don't have faith in him, you dont trust His time or His plans for your life😕. You are praying for a promotion at work but you are not doing what you need to do! You go to work late, you are on your phone all the time, you are mean to everyone, you do not your job well but you want a promotion? 😕 You are praying to God for a peaceful life but you are still holding on an unnecessary grudge from years ago. What do you expect God to work with? You are asking God use you, to reveal Himself to you, to speak to you meanwhile your eyes, ears, lips, heart are blocked! You have filled yourself with trap music, garbage TV/social media, etc. How do you expect God to use you? What are you bringing to the table? 
You cannot pray to God for a harvest when you haven't sowed any seed. Yes, God will send the harvest rain, it will come, hit the bare ground and go away. God did what He had to do but because you didn't do your part, you missed out on the harvest!
Think about all of your resolutions and all the prayers you are sending up to the Lord. Now make a list of everything you are bringing to the table. Not enough? Well you have work to do! You have seeds to sow! You want a promotion at work? Make sure you do everything you are supposed to do; go above and beyond. You want to have a great semester next year? Make an effort to spend more time with your books. Make a timetable for yourself and stick to it! Go to classes, make use of all the resources around you. You want a job? Dont just sit on your behind and expect employers to knock on your door. Get up and go find you a job.You want a godly man or woman? Become the godly man or woman!!! You want a peaceful life? Let go of unnecessary grudges and ask God to soften your heart.  You want God to use you? You want to hear God's voice? Remove yourself from surroundings that are filled with garbage music, language, behaviors, etc and fill your eyes, ears, mouth, heart, mind, soul, body with the word of God! Bring more than ENOUGH to the table so that God sees that you really want it!! Show God that you are ready for His blessings by doing your part! The most awesome part in working together with God is when He showers you with unexpected blessings!
God has so MUCH in store for us. So much!!! I know that 2017 will be a great year. Why? Because we serve a supernatural God! My prayer for all of us next year is that our relationship with God become better and our faith in Him become stronger. I love you all. Thank you so much for all the support. God bless you!!! Wishing you and your families a happy and prosperous New Year!💗


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