Sunday, February 12, 2017


I have been single for so long! When am I going meet Mr Right?
Does God not see how patient and obedient I have been throughout this journey?
All my friends are getting engaged/married/starting family...what is taking God so long?
God is not working fast enough for me; I gotta step in and do something!

Yes, I get it! Singleness sucks sometimes. It can be plain difficult! I get it and I feel you! But would you rather rush into something that doesn't have God's blessings? I am sure you worked so hard to get to where you are with God today. Do you think all that work/wait/dying to self/patience/obedience are worth a relationship that doesn't have God's blessings?
So what you've waited 3/5/10 years? So what nobody notices you? I understand that it is very frustrating but there's a reason for it. And don't ever think that you're not getting attention because you're not attractive or good enough. You are beautiful, you are God's very own PRIZED possession(1 Cor. 6:20); that's why He has hidden you for the right person. Yes, God has hidden you in His heart. Hidden you away from toxic people, toxic relationships and unnecessary drama. He is preparing somebody special for you.I know you're tired of hearing this but it is true! You're unique, you're special, you're God's very own. He doesn't want "just anyone" approaching you. God is a jealous God. He wants us all to Himself! That's why He doesn't want you to be approached by people who will pull you away from Him! The man that God has in mind for you will lead you towards God and not away.

So it is fine if you are not getting the same attention that some of these girls are getting. Do not throw yourself in the world and do things that does not bring glory to God. Do not go back to the same place that God saved you from just because you're tired of being single. Do not let loneliness cause you to knock on doors that God closed for your good! Do not bring unnecessary attention to yourself just because you have been single for too long. Do not dress/act worldly, go to clubs/bars expecting to find a godly man! And I am not saying that church guys are good either(whole other topic πŸ˜…). Instead let that man find you through God!!!! Let God write your love story. Stop trying to interfere, sit down lol!

There is a reward in waiting. Our society/generation is so against waiting, purity and all that good stuff but do not discouraged or distracted(Romans 12:2, Leviticus 20:7). God has a plan for you, He has a man in mind for you. When the time comes, you will see. But for right now continue to hide in God heart. Work on you! Focus on God. Meditate on His word everyday. Serve Him. Ask Him to teach and guide you.

Highly recommend y'all to read 1 Corinthians 6 and 7πŸ’ͺ.

Love you always!


  1. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯🀞🏾🀞🏾

  2. This is deep for all the single ladies out there....wait and let God. It is not easy but the outcome when you let God is worth waiting for.
