Wednesday, June 1, 2016


You see the little girl in the picture above with the tiny teddy bear? That was me few weeks before I graduated. I was so afraid that I wasn't going to get a job after graduation that, I began to settle for anything that came my way. I didn't want to stay home for months before getting a job. I wanted to keep myself busy. The thought of me not having a job RIGHT after graduating scared me! I didn't want people asking questions! I didn't want pressure and stress from anybody. And so I settled for anything. I was so desperate!!! I applied for so many jobs, I called people and at one point I actually accepted an offer to a summer internship that didn't pay! All in the name of keeping myself busy!
Everything failed. Every step I took just went downhill. I got rejected for all the jobs that I applied for. One of my supervisors even went above and beyond to get me the phone number of someone who is high up in the industry and that person never picked up my phone calls or even bothered to call me back. It broke my heart. I had all these plans and none of them were working out. Another funny thing is that, the person who offered me the summer internship also stopped replying to my emails. Pretty interesting right? I mean if I wasn't a good candidate then they wouldn't have offered me the job  in the first place and if I wasn't a good person then my supervisor wouldn't have wasted her time in getting me that person's phone number. So why then were things not working out?
 I didn't know that God was working behind the scenes preparing something even more greater for me! My anxiety led me to apply for more jobs. I didn't give up! Being a first generation college graduate, I couldn't give up.  I wanted to impress my parents; I wanted to make my parents proud. So I kept pushing! I had all my trust in God and I knew deep down in my heart that He was going to make a way. And boyyyy DID HE COME THROUGH!!!
While I was crying over the rejections, summer internship and the person who refused to pick up my calls, God was preparing something even better for me.The Bible didnt lie when it said that God's plans are perfect for us and He never fails to keep His promises to His children. God didn't fail me. He came through with the best. The Lord came through with a job that offers double and more of everything I had ever wanted. He came through with a job that offers SO MUCH MORE than the jobs I got rejected for! God is good. God is good. Our God is good!!!
I want this testimony to be an inspiration to anyone whose plans are not working out like they wanted them to! God has something better coming so trust in His timing. My God never fails and His plans are always so perfect!
Do not be discouraged by the rejections and the set backs. Keep pushing and also keep in mind that rejections aren't always a bad thing!
                 Rejection is a redirection.
                 Rejection is God's protection.
                 Rejection is a blessing.
God loves you enough to close unnecessary doors. Doors that will distract you and prevent you from seeing and experiencing God's greatness. Don't give up. I wish you all the best.


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