Wednesday, May 18, 2016


When I told my dad that I wanted to stay in school for an extra year, he did not yell at me, he did not complain about spending more money, he didn't ask me any questions at all. Instead, he told me to go ahead with it! I honestly wasn't expecting for it to be an easy conversation because some of you know how African parents can be - strict! When I heard my father say "just do it I support any decision you make, I trust you, I know that you are smart, you know what is best for you" it put me at ease, and I used that as my motivation to complete my final year in college.
So now after 5 amazing years of hard work, sleepless nights and all the money I spent on coffee, I am glad to announce that I too, have SUCCESSFULLY completed my undergraduate career at one of the best colleges in America! These past few days have been the most amazing! The love and support that I have been receiving from my family and friends have been mind blowing! I am so glad that I got to share these moments with my parents. It makes me so happy to see them happy and I cannot wait to work harder in the future to make them even more proud.
So on that note, I would also like to use this platform to congratulate everyone who has or will be graduating soon. We made it! We are here today because of God's unfailing love, and because of the prayers and support from our families and friends. We have worked hard. I am so proud of you! I am so happy for you! Good job!
Now onto the million dollar question. What next?
* I Choose To Believe This !!  * I Will Not Lie ..  * It Is Hard To See ..  * On Those Dark Time's ..: If I could save a dollar for every time a person has asked me about what I am planning to do after college, I would probably have enough money to pay off my student loans ha-ha. It can be such a nerve racking question sometimes. Some people may know exactly what they want to do after college and others may not. Everyone has a picture or an idea of how they want for their lives. However the thought of transitioning can be scary sometimes, especially  for people who are trying get jobs or go back to school. Whatever your plans may be, I want to use this moment to remind you that, God did not bring you this far to just leave you hanging! He did not bring you this far to leave you to figure everything out by yourself. The bible says in Deuteronomy 31:8 that we shouldn't be afraid or be discouraged because God himself, will go ahead of us, He will lead you into all the good things He has planned for you. He will never fail us nor abandon us. God's plans for you are perfect, perfect!! There is nothing on this earth that compares to the amazing plans that God has for you. So trust Him, in everything you do, every step you take, let Him lead you!
Do not compare your progress with others. Everyone is on a different journey. Some people will be offered jobs right after college and some people will have to try and try. Some people will get into med school, law school, nursing school etc on their first try and some people will have to try and try. No matter  where you stand in this situation, I want to encourage you to keep pushing! Do not give up! Life is like a mountain. Some people will climb it so easily, so effortlessly and some people will struggle. No matter how hard it gets, do not give up! One thing I have learned throughout my walk with God is that, a NO is just God's way of saying that " wait my daughter, I have something way better for you". I want you to keep this in mind as you move forward!
Some people will try to make feel like you're not enough, they will compare you to other graduates who have jobs or are in med/law school etc. Do not let them get to you! Instead let's trust God, apply for the job you want, if you fail, you try again. Apply for the school you want to get into, if you fail you try again!
I wish you all the best of luck from the bottom of my heart! YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL! EVERYTHING WILL WORK OUT! Do not stress out, we did enough of that in college lol. Use this time to relax, catch up on sleep and have fun!
Love you all as always

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