Friday, December 25, 2015


Merry Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!
Indeed God has been so grateful!!! I cannot believe 25th December is here; time goes by so fast!
I want to use this opportunity to thank you all for being with me this entire year and showing me so much love. I thank each and everyone of you (from US, France, UK, Ghana, Portugal, Germany, Poland, Kenya, China,etc) for taking time out of your busy schedules and reading my posts (which are not perfect, full of grammar mistakes and what not!). I honestly love you all  so much from the bottom of my heart. I cannot express how much I appreciate you all for your love and support. The goal for this blog was to inspire people and to help draw people closer to God by sharing my experiences. I hope my little blog posts has inspired and drawn you closer you God.
My prayer for  this blog is to grow and to continue to inspire people. School and work got in the way a lot this year and it got in the way with spending time with God too. I don't think next year will be any different, in terms of school and work but I will try my best and post more on here. And of course I am willing to make more time for God as well. I cannot wait for you all to see what I have prepared so far for the upcoming year!
Again thank you so much for staying with me, supporting me and showing me so much love. I love you all so much.


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