Thursday, December 17, 2015


Well God I'm here because you decided chose me even if I was lost in the world even if I didn't take care about myself, you decide to call from the deepest ways. now I'm here lead me where you want.:

So like I don’t drink at all. I have never had alcohol, except for when I used to sip on my mother's Don Simon red wine when I was really young (idk if you wanna count that haha!)  However in my entire adult life, I have never tasted alcohol! Why? I don't want to; drinking is overrated!

Well around sophomore year of college, my friend called me and asked if we could hang out. We were so busy with school that we barely saw each other, so I was very excited when she asked me to hang with her. I went over to her place; she had other people over, she had drinks, food, and music playing. It was really nice. 
My friend knows that I don't drink, so she had soda and water (LOL) for people like me. She had alcohol as well, obviously. She was drinking, everyone in the room was drinking as well, dancing, having a good time. I remember my friend trying to pressure me to take a sip of her drink because "it won’t do anything". I refused a couple of times. A few minutes after, I  found myself walking toward the kitchen counter where the alcohol was and AS SOON AS I got a cup to pour myself a drink, this boy (my friend's roommate’s friend) came behind me and said, "what are you doing? I thought you said you don’t drink" I said "yeah well, it's just a sip, it won’t do anything". And then this ‘stranger’ began to check my life right before my eyes!!!!. He asked me, “How do you know it won’t do anything to you? It doesn’t matter if it is a sip, it is alcohol regardless! Just because everyone in here is doing it, doesn’t mean that you have to do it too! You can have a pretty good time without the alcohol; you don’t need it!”
I was so dumbfounded! He walked me back to where everyone was, making sure that I didn’t have anything I wasn’t supposed to have. How crazy is this?! That a stranger would care so much about me and help keep me on track?
It is even crazier how God brings certain people into your life to lead you into the path He wants you in! I met this guy for just10-15mins on a Friday night at my friend’s apartment and he changed my life! Who knows what that one sip could have led to? God loves and cares about me so much that He sent someone for me that night to change my destiny; to keep me on track!
Isn’t it funny how we think God only cares and draws closer to us when we draw closer to Him or when we are doing the right things? The bible says that God loves us even more when we are miserable (Romans 5:6-8). Sophomore year in college, I knew who God was but I wasn’t crazy about Him like I am now. How amazing is it to know that God has always been crazy about me even when I was not paying attention to Him. 
Moral of this story?
  • God’s love has no boundaries. He was crazy about you yesterday, He is crazy about you today, He will be crazy about you tomorrow. Don’t let your messes get in between you and God. Pray to Him, seek His help and presence on a daily basis.
  • Give God a chance to use you to change people’s lives. If this guy had not walked up to me to check me, I would probably be an alcoholic mess by now!
  • When you feel the urge, go for it, don’t ignore the signs. There is a reason why God chose you! Go out there and change people’s lives.
  • Stick to what you believe in! Dont do anything uncomfortable just to fit in. Be yourself!

Side Note: I have been led to talk about friendship a lot this season! I believe you guys can see the trend in my previous posts. Lol I don't have problems with any of my friends, I don't have problems with anyone, I am not bitter about anything! It is just God doing His thing through me. I really hope that these blog posts help somebody out there, one way or the other. 

Love you guys

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