Thursday, December 31, 2015


January 2016 begins tomorrow. Join me, let us get rid of some things together, c'mon!

Relationship goals, squad goals, best friend goals, this goals, that goals. Let them go!
It is okay to give credit where credit is due but do not be too consumed in someone else's special moment that you miss your own. Be content with your life. The more you want other people's lives, the less likely you are to appreciate yours. So be happy with what you have. Be content with what God has given you and learn to work with it.
Remember the things you prayed for so much at some point? The job you have now? The godly man you have in your life now? The fact that you are in school getting good grades? You might lose all of these things if you are too focused on wanting to live like someone else. You and I have no idea how most of these people got the things they have or how they got to where they are. Stop saying things like "Oh I want your life, Oh iIwant to be you so much, you are life goals" Stop saying things like that. Stop drooling over Instagram couples. We get it. They are cute, they are so good to each other and they have a wonderful relationship. Great! Be happy for them, be inspired by them but do not want to be them, do not want their lives.
A lot of people do not see the impact that "Instagram goals" can have on their lives. Glorifying other people's lives causes you to value your life less. It causes you to think that you are not doing life right. Listen to me. Nobody knows how life is done right. Dont let these goals that society has set make you think that you are not doing the right things in life. Do not let these goals ever make you feel like you are so far behind in life or you are lacking. Dont let these Instagram goals make you feel like a failure. Most of these people that a lot of you glorify mostly post up their good moments on the internet. They are not perfect and they do not have a perfect life. Squad goals? They probably only get along when they have to get dressed up, go out and take pictures. Relationship goals? The guy probably bought his girl all those beautiful things because it's his way of apologizing for something he did wrong. Dont get me wrong, most of these relationships are genuine but there are a lot pf things that go on behind the scenes. Do not be fooled!

Oh Lord do not get me started on this topic!!! Do you guys see what people do just to get 'likes' on social media? Pretty sad that people measure their self worth and self esteem with the amount of 'likes' they get on the internet. So what? If you dont get enough likes you are not beautiful or handsome enough? Social media 'likes' determine how important a person is now? Our generation is so messed up. Common 'likes' have people posting naked pictures on themselves, it's got people living in a lie, taking pictures in houses they do not live in, eating foods they cant pay for, buying clothes they dont have money for! People are selling their self respect for social media likes. It is pathetic!

Let go of social media likes! They do not define you! God, these things dont even pay your bills so why do people try so hard! You are beautiful, you are good enough, you have potential, you are perfect. I find it so funny as I write this piece because I have been there! Once upon a time I found my value in mere 'likes' (for a short period of time though, I think it started when I first made an Instagram account). I have always been very confident with how I look, I am so obsessed with myself it's crazy haha. But that began to go away when I wasn't getting enough likes on Instagram. Thank God for checking my heart and helping me notice that the Instagram world was not for me at that time . I logged myself out for a while to give myself time to love myself again.  The social media world is so dirty y'all! A lot of you need a break from these things to really see how God himself sees you. Don't do things that aren't you just to get likes man! Give yourself a break and love yourself and be content with who you are!

My prayer for you in 2016 is that you find happiness in what ever you do. I pray that you find genuine happiness in every area of your life. I pray and ask that the Lord to lead and guide you in everything you do. 
Give God a chance to be more involved in your life in 2016. Make it a habit to ask for God's approval before you do anything. The only relationship goal you should be drooling over in 2016 is the one with God. 
You are more important than Social Media likes. You are doing life the way life should be done. Get God involved more and He will lead you into places you never even dreamed of. 

Wishing you and your families a HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 


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