Tuesday, January 27, 2015


"Ugh how long is it going to take before God answers my prayers"

"I pray EVERYDAY but God doesn't show up!"

"Is there even a God?"

Yes there is a God who shows up and answers prayers EVERYDAY! I used to ask myself these questions all the time too. At one point in my life, God was just so SILENT!!! If anyone has ever given you a silent treatment before, you probably know what I am talking about. It was plain hard! I prayed to God to get me through situations, to provide for me...I prayed for a lot of things but God wasn't moving! I mean I went to church every Sunday, I was good to people (I think *side eye* lol), I respected my parents, I downloaded the bible app on my phone, I was nice to people, I tried to smile at strangers, I mean I was doing everything that God expected from me, SO WHAT ELSE DID HE WANT? Why was He not listening to me?! I saw God show up in many of my friends' lives and do miracles for them, but nothing for me. I would think "...but God that's not fair! What about me?"

 It was recently that I came to the realization that, God was silent in my life at that time because I DID NOT HAVE ENOUGH FAITH IN HIM. Ha! trust me, I thought I did. My level of  faith in God at that time was very low because I was IMPATIENT. I would pray to God to get me out of a situation and as soon as I was done praying, I would start running around, trying to look for solutions MYSELF or I would just start complaining. I did not give Him a chance to fight my battles for me.

If this is you, I have one word for you, REST! Stop running around and wait on God. If you knew what faith could do, I am telling you, you wouldn't even try to do things on your own anymore! I am really glad I got to go through the season of not having enough faith to where I am now, because I see the difference. The grass is so much greener on this side. I pray to God and ask Him for one thing and He gives me more than what I asked for. I say this with tears in my eyes because God has been so great to me; with this blog, my family, my friends, school, etc. I really want you to experience this too!

If you feel as if your faith level is not where it is supposed to be or you're tired of finding solutions, I really encourage you to mediate of these scriptures as they've helped me a lot in my spiritual growth;
1. Hebrews 11: 1-40 (Great examples of faith)
2. James 1:5-8 (More about faith)
3. 2 Chronicles 20:15, 17 (Watch what faith can do when you give your battles to God. Quick note, people of Judah in these scriptures = people of praise)

I pray and ask for God's blessings upon you wherever you are in your season.


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