Sunday, September 13, 2015


"God puts your destiny right before something He believes you have to work on. The moment you work on that thing, you get your destiny"

I was just casually scrolling through my Facebook timeline on Sunday morning and I came across an article by about a 14 year old street vendor boy in Ghana who had been picked for a Netflix movie, which also stars Idris Elba.
When I saw that post, I got so emotional! I was so excited for the little boy and I just couldn't stop thinking about how great God is to His children. This boy literally came out of nothing, NOTHING, and in a second God just changed His life! He used this 14 year old boy to change his family's destiny! Mind you, not only did this boy cast in the movie, he was the leading role and on top of that he recently received an award for the Best Young Actor at Venice Film Festival! My jaws are like on the floor right now as I type this lol. GOD IS TRULY TRULY AMAZING!!!!
There is nothing, no power, no human in this world, that can do the things that God can do! If this boy's story doesn't inspire to keep pushing, to keep pressing and to keep trusting God, then I don't know!
Sometimes as Christians, we tend to run away from uncomfortable situations, seasons and changes. We expect everything to go so smoothly just because we are God's children. We tend to forget that God uses uncomfortable seasons, situations and changes to open our eyes about things that we need to work on and to also bring us closer to Him.
We are always so quick to question God on why certain things happen to us. We should change that! The bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that God will not allow any temptations to be more than we can stand. And He goes on to assure us that when we are tempted, He will show us a way to endure. So instead of questioning God about why certain are happening to us, we should rather ask God about what He wants to teach us in the uncomfortable situation that we are in.
Stop running away from your struggles!!!! I am telling you, if this boy had ran away from his struggle, believe it or not, he wouldn't have experienced all of these wonderful things. Wherever you are in your season right now, whether comfortable or uncomfortable, know that God is with you and He is always ready to teach and to instruct you.

Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.


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