Monday, August 24, 2015


 Proverb 16:3
"Commit your actions to the Lord and your plans will succeed"

The 2015-2016 academic year is right there on the corner and the fear and anxiety is beginning to set in. For some people, it is excitement and others fall in between the two. Whatever category you fall in today, I want to encourage you to keep going, to keep pushing, never give up and do not let fear take away the good things you deserve.
I really want to encourage you guys to start this upcoming school year with a positive mind, positive attitude, positive everything. I said this last year before school started and I will say it again. Being positive goes a long way. Don't be negative about the present just because the past didn't work out like you wanted it to. Leave the failures. setbacks and disappointment of the past behind you, the fact that you are alive today means that you have been given another chance to be better and to work harder. So take advantage of the present and let something great come out it.
While you take advantage of the present, I want to remind and encourage you to take advantage of the resources that are available to you. Libraries, study groups, tutoring sessions, office hours etc. Sitting still will not bring you success. Reach out when you need help, trust me it changes a lot. Do not feel too big to ask for help. If you don't ask you will never know. I am saying this from experience, had to learn the hard way.
Set realistic goals. You cannot just say that you want to buy a car, when you have no plans on saving for it unless you wanna get you a sugar daddy, but that's not my business lol. My point is you have to take baby steps in everything. Make realistic short term goals to match your long term goals. You wanna get As in school, you have to do the basic (homework, daily revision), cramming doesn't work for everybody (sad truth).
Do not compare your season or journey to anyone else's. Remember, comparison is the thief of joy! If you are so focused on others successes you will not find joy and appreciation in what God has prepared specially for you. You will not find satisfaction in your season. Focus on you. Compare yourself to the person you were yesterday. Challenge yourself and make it your goal to be better than who you were yesterday. 
Be yourself guys. This is especially directed to all my freshies (high school, college,grad school). Don't do things because everyone else is doing it. Be different in your own amazing way. There's nothing better than being yourself and  knowing what works best for you. Do not conform, and just be your great self. (Romans 12:2)
Last but not least, I want to wish you all the best of luck. For anyone who is starting a new journey in life, I know that it is probably really nerve racking and you probably feel so uneasy. Don't be discouraged. New beginnings are usually not easy, but don't worry love, you will excel, you will do great, so don't give up yet. Wishing you all nothing but the best of bests. May the light of God surround you, may the love of God enfold you and may the power of God protect you.

P.S. Speaking of resources, I really wanted to share this website with you guys. In case you want to involve yourselves in a meaningful community services that can potentially open doors for you in the future, check out . They basically help you find places (hospitals, shelters, organizations) around your community where you can volunteer :)


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