Wednesday, June 24, 2015

BEAUTIFULLY BROKEN (Psalms 51:16-17)

Here to bring the Broken home.
So I have this friend who has the BIGGEST heart for God, its so lovely.  I honestly enjoy the times we spend together because I learn something new from her all the time. We hanged out a few months ago and she was telling me about how she has been feeling distant from God because of her past. She told me the things she's done in the past makes her feel unworthy and little before the Lord.
I remember trying so hard to convince her and kinda like bring her back to her senses and let her know that God oversees our mistakes and our past and that God doesn't hate His children because of the things that we've done in the past. I was trying to let her know that God is more concerned about the person we are now and our heart. But my friend wasn't hearing none of that. She told me she knows and understands everything I was trying to tell her about God but a huge part of her just couldn't forget her messes  It was almost as if her past was haunting her.
It broke my heart a lot that none of my words were getting to her. I tried to use my own life experiences to try to get her to see how God sees her but she wasn't listening. I felt defeated and our conversation actually made me question my knowledge about God since I couldn't do much to convince her.
Source: "Fight for you" by Mali Music
I don't know if she is going to see this post (I really hope she does though) but for anyone else out there who might be going through a similar situation, I would like to remind you that God loves you even MORE now that you feel unworthy, dirty, alone, unsuccessful, messy, lost, confused and broken. You're worth God's love more than anything. You are God's most prized possession. You're precious to Him more than anything. Romans 5:6-8 reminds us that even at our worst conditions and characters, God loved us unconditionally. His unfailing love does not depend on who or what we are. I absolutely love how Psalms 103:8 describes God's love. It says  "The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love."
The devil is so much aware of God's love for us, probably more than we know. Satan knows that God loves us more than the world. He know that we are God's priority. And he hates that. The devil hates seeing us have a relationship with God. He hates us worshiping and praising God. He hates us trusting in the Lord. He hates when we talk about God. That is why he uses his little tricks and little power to distract us. See my friend has known God for ages! You would think that she would know that her past doesn't matter anymore right? But look at her now, feeling miserable for no reason about things she used to do. That's Satan! He hates seeing us with God. And that's why he tries everyday, every second, every chance he gets to distract, and use our past against us, reminding us of our dirt, our wrongs, our failures and so on.
I have been where friend is SO MANY times! I feel like this is a constant struggle for every believer. I remember being in this situation a year ago before I started being serious with God. I felt so disgusting, so dirty. I couldn't pray, I couldn't read the bible, nothing! I could hear someone calling me out by my mistakes and failures every time I tried to pray. I could hear voices in my head saying things like " God doesn't love you, God doesn't want you. You're not enough". It is a lie. I know that now and I want you to also experience this too. The negative voices you are hearing in your head right now is the devil pulling tricks to try and get between you and God.
The devil's plan is to make you think that God doesn't want you. That's a lie. Do not settle for his miserable lies. It is the beauty of our brokenness that brings us closer to God. See when you belong to the Almighty, the King of Kings, the type of person you become is more important than your failures and your past (Galatians 5: 22-24). 
Don't give Satan a chance. God has given us the power to overcome any circumstance and anything that is not like God.You're powerful. Don't give Satan a chance to destroy your life and your relationship with God. Put on your armor and fight back!

As believers, we shouldn't stop pressing into the Lord. Praying to God and having a conversation with Him should be part of our daily lives. From my own experience, I find that I open a door for the devil to pull his tricks on me when I become lazy about spending time with God. Don't be lazy, don't let your busy schedule get in the way either. Keep fighting and keep pressing. God loves you, you are worth His love, you're not a mistake, you're enough. Stop wandering and come back home.

Love you always,

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